Bring Mexican Flavors to Thanksgiving with Pumpkin Empanadas

Make pumpkin empanadas this Thanksgiving! What says “NH Mexican food” more than turning pumpkin pie into a Mexican-inspired treat?
Join Los Primos for Taco Tuesday!

Enjoy Mexican food in NH tonight at Los Primos for Taco Tuesday. What do you like in your tacos? There are no wrong choices!
The Secret to Making Perfect Guacamole
If you’ve ever gone out for Mexican food in NH, you know that no meal is complete without fresh guac.
Try This Easy One-Pan Recipe to Make Mexican Food at Home
As much as we love to go out for Mexican food in NH, we have to cook at home most of the time. Try this easy recipe at home.
Try Three of Our Favorite Burritos
Need help making a choice? Here are three of our favorite burritos from our menu to help you decide.
Exploring Mexican Restaurant Favorites: Tortilla Soup
We love our tortilla soup, but every Mexican restaurant has its own variation on this classic dish. Let’s look at a few of the most common.
Elevate Your Thanksgiving With These Avocado-Inspired Apps
Switch it up this Thanksgiving with these avocado appetizers!
Halloween Party Food with a Mexican Twist!
Although Halloween is not a big deal in Mexico (they celebrate the Day of the Dead on November 2nd instead), that doesn’t mean you can’t have some Mexican food at your party! With its bold flavors and bright colors, Mexican food is perfect for your Halloween party.
The Tasty Origins of Mexican Fried Ice Cream
But if fried ice cream was invented in the United States, how is it Mexican? Like much of our favorite NH Mexican food, it’s about the flavors and traditions.
Discovering the Flavors of Flan
If you’re looking for a dessert that combines silky-smooth textures, luscious flavors, and a touch of elegance, flan may just be the perfect dessert for you!