Blog Article

Sweet Tooth? Make These Authentic Sweet Tamales at Home

mexican food nh

The holidays are just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate other than tamales? The great thing about them is that you can make them savory or sweet. And today, we’re focusing on our sweet tooth while we give you some authentic recipes to make this holiday season! However, if you’re searching for savory tamales, come to Los Primos for some of the best Mexican food in NH!



The following ingredients listed below are to make three flavors of sweet tamales; strawberry, pineapple, and dulce de leche.



  • 30 corn husks
  • One 8 oz block of cream cheese
  • One cubed fresh pineapple (or one can of pineapples)
  • 1 can of pineapples (crushed)
  • One cup of strawberry preserves
  • 1 cup of diced strawberries
  • One cup of raisins
  • ½ cup of pecans (chopped)
  • One can of dulce de leche
  • Red and yellow food coloring


  • One stick of butter
  • ¼ cup of shortening
  • 3 pounds of freshly ground corn masa
  • Two cups of sugar
  • One tbsp of vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp of baking powder
  • One tbsp of ground cinnamon



  • To soften corn husks, soak them in water and drain the extra water once they’re soft.
  • Put all dough ingredients together and knead until everything is combined. Adjust the dough to make it less firm by adding a small amount of milk. If the dough is too moist, you can also add a bit of dough or flour to balance it out.
  • Divide the dough into three equal pieces. Grab food coloring and add red to one part, yellow to the other, and leave the third part of the dough alone. 
  • Knead each dough until the food coloring is thoroughly mixed and the color is consistent. 
  • Once mixed, take about four tablespoons worth of dough and place it on one of the corn husks. Flatten the dough to reach both ends of the husk.
  • For the strawberry tamale, add strawberry preserves, one tablespoon of cream cheese, and diced strawberries to the middle of the dough. Fold the pointed part of the husk down. 
  • Roll it up burrito style and put it inside a steamer with the top side facing upwards. 
  • Next up are the pineapple tamales (yellow food coloring). Mix some crushed pineapples into the dough and flatten it on the corn husk. Add in some diced pineapple and as many raisins as you’d like to the center. Repeat previous instructions and add to steamer.
  • Dulce de leche tamales (no food coloring): add one tbsp of cream cheese and one tbsp of dulce de leche to the middle of the dough. Add as many pecans as you’d like, follow the previous instructions, and add tamales to the steamer.
  • Add water to the steamer but be sure not to add too much where it reaches the tamales. Cover tamales with the rest of the corn husks, cover with the lid and cook for about one hour and thirty minutes. 
  • Once done, cool the tamales and enjoy!


Looking for the Best Mexican Food in NH? Come to Los Primos!

We pride ourselves at Los Primos in our ability to deliver some of the best and most authentic Mexican food around. If you’re curious about our delicious menu options, you can check out our online menu here! We’re open Monday through Thursday, 11 am to 10 pm, and Friday and Saturday from 11 am to 11 pm. We’re also open Sundays from 11 am to 9 pm! 


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