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4 Fun Facts About The Beloved Margarita

mexican restaurant nh


February 22nd is National Margarita Day, and our team at Los Primos is here to kick off the celebration. The margarita is one of our favorite drinks here to make, and like many others, we love drinking them too! Los Primos is your go-to NH Mexican restaurant for both great food and a great drink. We wanted to share some lesser-known fun facts about the famous cocktail in celebration of National Margarita Day!


1. The History of the Margarita

No one knows the true history behind the drink. However, there are many theories about who was the first to create the margarita. One of the most popular (and earliest) theories is of a man named Danny Herrera. Herrera worked at the bar of a swinger club in the mid-1930s. Marjorie King was one of the showgirls there. Despite her being allergic to most of the liquors there and hating the taste of alcohol, she found herself still wanting a drink at the bar. Herrera attempted to make a drink for her anyways after he learned that she could still drink tequila. He attempted to mask the drink’s taste with lime and salt, and then, the margarita was born. 


2. Margarita Means Daisy in Spanish

During the prohibition days, there was a popular drink named the daisy. The drink consisted of a base spirit, sugar, and a sour such as a lime of lemon. This drink later inspired another drink called the sidecar, a combination of orange liquor, cognac, and a spritz of lemon juice. Many people think that the daisy is also the inspiration for the margarita because it is the same word. 


3. You Can Get a Fried Margarita

Why not have your drink and eat it too? That is what vendors at the Texas State Fair did, anyways! A fried margarita is served here alongside many other things that should not be fried either, but they made it happen. Funnel cake batter is tossed into a margarita mixer. Then the batter that comes out is fried and soaked in more margarita mix. The finished drink/cake is served to you in a salt-rimmed glass and topped off with whipped cream. 


4. The World’s Largest Margarita Created in Las Vegas

In 2011, The Flamingo Hotel’s Margaritaville Casino in Las Vegas opened its doors. Since the casino is located in Las Vegas, of course, they couldn’t just do a regular rope cutting ceremony. Instead, they created an 8500-gallon tank that stood 17 feet tall! It took over 60 people and 600 hours to make and place in the casino. The giant drink still stands in the restaurant to this day. 


mexican food nh

Join The Celebration At Your Local NH Mexican Restaurant

Looking for an authentic Mexican restaurant in NH? Join us at Los Primos in the celebration of National Margarita Day! We have a large selection of margaritas to choose from. In addition, we even offer margarita towers that serve up to 10 people. 


Join us at 3 Amherst Road in Merrimack, NH, today!